Identify the report as a protocol. If the protocol is for an update of a previous study, identify as such.
Author (Corresponding author). This author is the guarantor for the veracity and accuracy of the information in the registered protocol.
Author (Corresponding author email).
Corresponding author (ORCID) – Available to be included but not obligatory.
The organisational affiliation should reflect the organisation or institution where the more significant portion of the research will take place.
Indicate sources of financial support.
Please choose one of the options.
You can use PICOS framework to define the question.
Describe the rationale for the study.
A short description of the condition should be included in this section to help the readers to understand what is the health condition, disease of interest, etc.
Terms and electronic databases included in the review.
Describe clearly the types of participants which will be addressed in the review
If applicable, describe the intervention or group of interventions that you want to evaluate in your review.
If applicable, define which comparative intervention will be applied to the target population.
What study designs will be included to address the objective of your review?
Authors should report any additional inclusion or exclusion criteria not defined in the PICOS sections.
Describe all intended information sources (e.g., electronic databases, contact with authors, trial registers, or grey literature.
Describe the outcomes of the review including all relevant details such as timing and effect measures.
Describe the mechanism used to manage records and data.
Describe the method of quality assessment in primary studies.
Authors should describe how the data will be analysed.
Will language limits be imposed on the search?
Describe the country in which the study is being carried out. For multi-national authors, inform all the countries involved.
This item provides any supplementary information.
Separate keywords with a semicolon.
ATTENTION: You can select the number of authors by clicking on the arrow.
Author (Name)
Author 1
Author 1 (ORCID) – Available to be included but not obligatory.
Contributions (Describe contributions of each author). Example: “Author 1 drafted the manuscript”.
Example (Three authors) : Smith, L; Nascimento, GV; Wang, XM. ATTENTION: Abbreviation of Chinese names Li Xiwen, Li Xi-wen, or Li Xiwen all become Li, XW.
Insert the email address to which you would like to receive information about your billing and payment confirmation.
Indicate the stage of the review at the time of this submission
Checking to see whether or not a similar review already exists is a good practice and should be one of the first steps.
ATTENTION: Author names will be published exactly as they appear in the submission form.
ATTENTION: Before you submit your protocol, make sure that you have checked all items carefully. After you press the submit button is not possible to make any modifications.
After the submission, you will be redirected to finish the payment using Credit card, Alipay or WeChat Pay. PLEASE NOTE IT COSTS $29.99 PER PROTOCOL.
Note: Authors can use other languages only in item 11 to describe search strategy in non-English language databases or databases that will provide access to non-English language content.