What should I do if my protocol does not appear in the INPLASY database after 48h?
All INPLASY protocols are published within 48h. If your protocol has not been published, you should send us an email (editorialmanager@inplasy.com) with your name, the title of your systematic review, and PayPal Transaction ID number. Alternatively, the authors can use our Contact Us page to report the problem. In both cases, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
I have paid for my protocol publication. What should I do now?
You need to wait for 48h after you send your protocol. When the protocol is published, you will receive an email containing the final publication information.
Can I update my protocol?
The authors can update their INPLASY protocols any time using the INPLASY update system. Go to https://inplasy.com/services/ and follow the instructions on the page to update your protocol. (Item 4)